Roll-to-Roll (R2R) Dry Transfer for Flexible Electronics and Advanced 2D Materials
- To develop control strategies to maintain the optimal peeling condition for successful device transfer
- To build physics-based, control-oriented, models of the R2R peeling process
- To explore the applicability of advanced control techniques such as switching control and hybrid learning-based real-time optimal control on the R2R dry transfer process
- Examples of results (schematic and experiment setup)
- To develop FEM models and control algorithms to mitigate undesired drillstring dynamics
- To develop driftflux models and two-fluid models to describe the transient well hydraulic behavior, and develop novel control methodologies to mitigate the kick effects
- To develop software tools to optimize directional drilling path
- Examples of results (Modeling and Control of Well Hydraulics and Drilling Vibrations)
Autonomous Mobile Robots/Ground Vehicles
- To develop a platform that can perform optimal dispatching and routing of a school of autonomous mobile robots/ground vehicles in real time considering both the shortest route and the task assignment priority
- To develop a framework that design customized autonomous mobile robots/ground vehicles based
- Examples of results (Minimum-Time Scheduling of Autonomous Mobile Robots; Robot; Demo)
Fuel Cell and Rechargeable Battery Systems
- To develop models and online estimators for predicting the state of health for both fuel cells and rechargeable batteries in real time
- To develop control strategies for hybrid powertrain systems and BMS in real time
- Intercity trains
- Delivery trucks
- Buses
- Passenger vehicles
- Examples of results (Dynamic Thermal and Relative Humidity Model for a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Stack)
System Identification/Learning Based on Physiological Signals
- To develop a system dynamic-based approach for drowsiness detection using electrooculography signals
- To develop a bradycardia prediction algorithm based on a single ECG signal collected from preterm infants
- Examples of results (Wearable Driver Drowsiness Detection Using Electrooculography Signal)
- To develop optimal control algorithms to improve microgrid resilience with respect to voltage and frequency
- To develop decentralized control themes that use wind turbine rotors for energy storage and improve the system efficiency
- Examples of results (Wind Turbine Participation for Microgrid Frequency Control; Modeling and Control of Wind Energy and MicrogridSystems)
- To develop optimal controllers to maximize wind turbine energy capture and minimizing structure fatigue loading
- To explore switched control theories to mitigate the undesired wind turbine transition dynamics between Region 2 and Region 3
- Examples of results (Optimal Control of Wind Turbine Drivetrain )